An Official Information Act request for police communications around Parker’s first visit shows police knew protesters planned to surround Parker’s meeting and prevent her from speaking.
newsletter #45 for Monday, September 25th, 2023

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Posie Parker cancels her NZ visit after police shown to be complicit
Posie Parker cancelled her second visit to NZ, fearing police would not protect her. Internal police communications show police chose not to defend Parker and her supporters on March 25th. But on Sept 20th police did defend her supporters from the trans rights activists at Auckland District Court. Most complaints of misleading media were dismissed, but some were upheld.
3 min read
Is the door to vote fraud opened by not requiring ID?
Voters can enrol to vote and cast a “special vote” in the general election without having to provide ID. Some safeguards prevent people voting under the same name twice or voting without being enrolled. But how safe is the system if you can enrol under a false name and address? Special votes are gaining importance and historically favour the left.
3 min read
NZ Herald links “Threat from Outer Space” to NZ News Essentials – Part 3
Business Desk wrote about NE in an article that also ran in the NZ Herald. BD’s recipe for writing about us: sound neutral, link to soft smear (to taste), don’t look deeper. Does BD understand that a ban on Facebook during COVID was heavily influenced by government pressure, both in NZ and overseas? Their expert says be on guard against anonymous material. We say the same scepticism should be used for all media, including BD.
3 min read
The media gives blue Chris the 3rd degree over numbers, but red Chris’s numbers mostly ignored
The MSM didn’t blame Labour much for the fact the budget deficit for 2023 increased by $3B in 4 months since Labour’s May budget. Not much issue either with the IRD ’s guesses and simplified assumptions for the high wealth report. Same for 3 Waters where, outrageously, over $40B of increased debt was sold as “savings”. Compare this to their frenzy over estimates regarding National’s projected tax on foreign home buyers.
3 min read
Frenemies: ACT Party and NZ First
Both parties vow to scrap race based policies, but there are some differences. ACT says they refuse to accept NZ First in Cabinet. NZ First is benefiting from Peters courting the anti-mandate “Freedom vote”. National’s Chris Luxon has not said how he will manage a coalition between the three if necessary to form a government.
3 min read
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead


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