About $300M of tests set to expire in early 2024.
The issues with politicised public servants
Ideologues in New Zealand’s public service make the services less controllable.
Hard to see where the news is in all the media coverage of Minister Kiri Allan
A lot of media interest in Justice Minister Kiritapu Allan. Where is the actual news?
Hipkins at World Economic Forum (WEF) not news. Short meet and greet with China’s President HUGE news. Why?
Our mainstream media didn’t report on our PM’s plans to attend the WEF summit in China. Why not?
What is the NZ policy on puberty blockers?
Why does Health NZ say one thing and government backed “charities” say another?
Health NZ racially based surgery policy exposed
Government says this counters institutional racism in New Zealand. Their idea of racism might surprise you.
Attention minor party supporters – Don’t waste your party vote!
What if your preferred electoral candidate is in a party with no chance for 5% of the party vote?
UN stokes voting age debate
Should Kiwis care what the UN suggests about lowering the voting age?