What many consider objective reality, others consider “racist”.
‘We must come to see that the end we seek is a society that is at peace with itself.’
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil rights leader
Society is made up of groups with different practices, traditions, customs and attitudes. Issues of inequality, criminality, race, gender and class demand an empathetic and nuanced, but critical examination. Parliament and the courts are the final arbiters.
Tamihere supports political aspirations from government funded charities
Taxpayer funded charities supporting Te Pāti Māori?
Freedom camping further restricted
Government aims to take the “freedom” out of “ freedom camping”.
Education update May 2023
The kids are not alright.
COVID emergency ends, COVID reckoning begins?
Overseas lawsuits and investigations into COVID vaccine harms.
Some issues in this election may be bigger than you think
Get informed – this next election’s a doozy.
The untold story of the Parliament protest, Part 3: Protester injuries
One-sided media narrative continued despite clear evidence.
Why does the trans movement deserve your attention? Part 2
The trans agenda is being pushed from every which way.