The Future of Local Government review proposes incorporating Treaty into local government systems. This raises concerns about undemocratic outcomes.
New money to hire Attendance Officers to deal with truancy
Paying through the nose to put bums in seats.
Objectively racist
A monologue of profanity, threats, and Government funding.
National launches its own plan regarding Three Waters reforms
National’s plan scraps co-governance and mega entities.
501 deportees: what you need to know
What to do with Australian bred “Kiwi” criminals deported to NZ that have no connection here?
Police attempt to control the flood narrative
Police communications failures and censorship are reducing trust.
Tax, borrow, or cut? How to pay for the flood clean up?
Is it “tax, borrow, cut” or” beg, borrow, steal”?
Cyclone Gabrielle update
It’s a mess.