If it wasn’t for double standards, there’d be no standards at all.
Labour rebrands Three Waters, but co-governance stays
Who cares how many entities if there’s no democratic control and a convoluted management structure?
Officials supported transgender bullies
Officials try to prevent political opposition from talking.
Government likes to announce big projects but have they got game?
It’s what you do, not what you say that counts.
Te reo everywhere, everyway, for everyone, every day
The Government has gone to massive efforts to force more te reo into Kiwi culture, but are its efforts helping or hurting?
RMA replacements reminiscent of Three Waters
More centralised, more vague, more co-governance.
Labour MP Michael Wood seems to have failed charm school
Labour MP Michael Wood has a history of making disparaging remarks.
National announces climate policy
The Greens say Chris just stole it from them.